Title: No Words Spared Pairing: Onho Length: 16,620 words Rating: PG-15/R Genre: au, fluff, angst Summary: It was a curious thought (which would come first, freezing or drowning?) that inopportunely introduced Minho to Lee Jinki. ( Minho didn't see Jinki for an entire week after that night. )
Title: No Words Spared Pairing: Onho Length: 16,620 words Rating: PG-15/R Genre: au, fluff, angst Summary: It was a curious thought (which would come first, freezing or drowning?) that inopportunely introduced Minho to Lee Jinki. ( Read more... )
Title: No Words Spared Pairing: Onho Length: 16,620 words Rating: PG-15/R Genre: au, fluff, angst Summary: It was a curious thought (which would come first, freezing or drowning?) that inopportunely introduced Minho to Lee Jinki.